
A recap on my weekend:

Played poker on Friday and for the longest time.. I WON~~ haha.. haven't won at all in 2006.
$35 winning. Not bad!!

Elsie and her older sister, Aunt May, came for the water baptism. Elsie came from LA area. I booked her flights to come up here and she bought me a new dress + new bible.
Aunt May also bought me a bible. (good thing they are in different versions!) They arrived around 2pm at Ray's house and the water baptism doesn't start until 7pm. I had planned for us to go cherry picking for the time being.
The two old people were more excited than us. They said that they always wanted to go cherry picking but never got a chance to. They thanked me for such an arrangment. They both LOVE me a lot.
The water baptism was cool, my co-workers came too.. went to dinner afterwards. Elsie treated everyone because she is my mom hahahah.

went to see the Da Vinci code with Alice, my new friend. (i will tell you about her later) Went to a thai restaurant. talked for like HOURS.
after break with Alice, went to Ray's house to wash my car.. went to a "small group" meeting to study bible at 7pm. Saw Elsie, May and another aunt, Lily, there.
that's about it.. a lot of religious activities. I will let you know when Ray had the pictures uploaded.

some thing came to my mind when i was in the shower. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO QUIT? it's already June.


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